Oct 1 - Lake Solitude (BCC)

 Rainy morning with temps in the 50s. Weather says it's suppose to clear by 7am (including in the mountains) so just before 7am I head off into the mountains in search of snow.

Periodic drizzle as I head up BCC. Pretty much on my own - I love it. It's dark as I start up but as I get higher, it's getting lighter outside and the Fall colors look absolutely fantastic! Though in bright sunshine I'm not sure there's will be words to describes because all the trees look like they are at peak - yellows, oranges, red!!

I reach Silver Lake, the temps are in the mid-30s, it's cloudy and it's drizzly. I put on my rain coat and start out. Oh, there's nobody here.

My plan is just to head to Lake Solitude today - my legs are dead.

I start around the boardwalk. There's a light layer of ice on it. And a light coat of snow on the mountain - less than last week-end.

Looking for moose and not finding any.

I continue around the lake enjoying the views.

Time to start up the trail to Lake Solitude. (I lose my rain coat pretty quickly as it looks like it's going clear.)

Looking for deer/moose but not finding anything.

Lovely views under the ski lift. Hoping it'll be sunny on my way back.

As I continue, it's starts to rain snow pellets. Thankfully, they're bouncing off my jacket so know need to the rain coat.

At the avalanche zone, I hear a Pika but can't track it down.

I reach Lake Solitude. She's brighter today because it's not in the shadows because of the sun. No moose or deer.

I head around to the other side making sure I'm not missing any critter and I'm not. 

I want to go up but with the snow pellets and my dead legs, not worth it. Time to head back.

Starting to rain snow pellets harder, at times, on my return. When it's starts looking more like rain than pellets, I stop to put on my jacket.

I reach the ski lift again and the view is not much better because it's still cloudy and raining/snowing.

Soon I'm back at the lake. I stop at the new pier for the first time.

And then return to my car.

Not a bad day - I'm happy I went out -- but spectacular.

Oh, on the way down, despite the lack of sunshine, the drive down the canyon was incredible.


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