Oct 29 - Willow Lake (BCC)
Sunny morning BUT it's coooold. 29 degrees when I leave my house just before 8am. Sun has risen 15 minutes ago but it going to be awhile before it makes it over the mountains. I'm heading up BCC this morning to hike Willow Lake (Lake Solitude if there's too much so on the side of the road; we had 9 inches of snow earlier this week). Snow is pretty much up on the peaks until after Mill D. But there's not much on the ground and the roadsides are clear. So when I roll up on Willow Lake parking, it's a go!! It's 14 degrees in the shade - brrrr!. I gear up and start up the trail. (I don't know if I need them, but I have my microspikes on.) Darn it, as soon as I exit my car, another car pulls-up; sure hope that go the other direction. There's just a light dusting of snow on the trail (micro-spikes definitely overkill at this point but you never know). The Aspens are bare - naked trees -- but the visibility is awesome (including the moon)! I can hear that the...