April 11 - Lambs Canyon
Sunny day high near 80 in the valley. Heading up to Lambs Canyon to scout things out. I'm expecting a ton of snow; it's been that kind of winter. Hoping to see a few butterflies flying. The overwinterers are flying down here and the temps are warm enough.
It's sunny and 71 degrees when I arrive at the parking lot. Cant' park in the lots as it is still snow covered or extremely muddy. I park on the opposite side of the road with a few other cars. We're all on the road but it's closed anyway.
As soon as I'm out of my car, I'm on snow and I'm 20 yards from the gate; happy I brought my spikes.
Up the snow covered road I go.
Lots of snowmobiles and a few SkiCats along the road as usual but several of them are buried in snow. I guess some residents gave up visiting their homes this winter.
It's not that bad of a walk. Yes, it's covered in feet of snow but I'm only sinking an inch or two with each steps.
Not far past those snowmobiles, I spot 3 butterflies dancing together. They are high in the trees. One breaks off and the remaining two continue to do circles. One eventually lands but darn I forgot my camera and a phone camera will not get remotely close. I can see a colored pattern so they are not Mourning Cloaks. I/m thinking Commas but cannot be 100%.I see another butterfly about 3/4 of the way up but it's in the distance and flying in the blue skies.
I find insect life crawling across the snow.
I find moose poop but no tracks so it must be old.
I do find some tracks coming down from the east side down to the road. I have to assume deer or moose. I'll stick with moose. Again no tracks in the road snow.
Heading up the last section to the trail head. I meet two guys. One guy is walking down the other guy is heading back to his SkiCat which is stuck in the snow. He's in the only section of the road that has a clear patch as is at the roadside Spring.
I reach the trail head! Wow!
I head to the trail and head down to the snow covered and invisible bridge. It is weren't for the hole, one would not know that there is a stream underneath.
I turn to head back down but I'm stopped by a butterfly. I lands on an evergreen near the road and at eye level. It's a Comma but I can't tell Hoary, Satyr or Green. It did have a strong border.
On my way down, help arrived for the guy that was stuck.
Good day but I wish I had my camera.
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