
Showing posts from April, 2023

April 30 - Lambs Canyon Rd

 Sunny day with a high near 80 today.  Heading up to hike Lambs Canyon Rd today to see what butterflies are flying now. When I was there a couple of weeks ago, I only saw a few Commas (unknown species). I arrive just before 10am.  It's around 60 degrees. Yea, the parking is now clear as is about the 50-75 yards of the road. From there, the snow probably is over 2-3 feet spots. But there are a couple of very small openings in the snow.  Right from the start I start seeing CA Tortoiseshells. They are seem to be moving down canyon (i.e., towards my car). I also see a Mourning Cloak resting on one of the snowmobile black covers. The creek is moving very fast (would be interesting in the middle of the afternoon when temps peak) but not flooding.  As I head up, there is plenty of elk/moose scat on the road. Pretty quiet bird-wise. Perhaps they are getting drowned out by the sounds of the roaring creek.  The landscape varies depending on the directionality of the ...

April 28 - White Rock Trail (Antelope Island)

 Sunny day with highs near 70 degrees. I got my 40 hrs in and heading towards Antelope Island by 7:20 am. As I cross the causeway, I stop for some Ibis and Black-necked Stilt And others. The eastern part of Farmington Bay does not look at nice as before (probably because it hasn't rained in a few days and there's a north wind) but the Salt Lake improves everyday. And so does the northwestern part of Farmington Bay. Love it! I arrive on the Island (no bison in sight) and head directly to the White Rock trail. Plenty of bison on the west side especially in the southeast corner once I cross over. As I pull in the parking area, the only bison I see are above the trail as you start the loop so it looks to be a good hike. It's in the low 50s as I start up the trail. The Death Camas is getting taller and just inside the gate, a few actually have the only buds I see all the Camas I see on the trail. I do find a caterpillar crossing the trail; hope he makes it without getting crushe...

April 23 - Sentry Peak (Antelope Island)

 I'm heading back to the Island again. Beautiful sunny day with temps near 60 degrees and there's not many other places to hike. Also, in a week or 2 or 3, the biting gnats will be out so I might as well take advantage of the Island while I can. The plan is Sentry Peak. Just trying to climb it as many times as I can before the bison move in or the gnats start biting. Besides, I just hike Gravel Pit/Beacon Hill and White Rock last Friday. Along the causeway it's sunny, very little wind and lots of water fowl. Arriving on the Island I head south. There are 2 bison at the intersection of the south and west roads and there are a few bison near the the Ranger house before the rocky curves. I spot a Snipe near the pull-out, and downhill, there are no Burrowing Owls out. In front of the White Rock/Beacon Hill ridge on the east side of the road, a Curlew lands for a few moments before taking off the 2 other flying by. In front of Frary Peak area, I spot a hawk and a bit farther dow...

April 22 - Gravel Pit/Beacon Hill

Mostly cloudy day with temp near 50 (eventually). I actually have other plans today but severely needed some nature time so blah! on the plans, I'm heading to hike Antelope Island. I'm thinking shorter trail today since it's on 40 degrees and very windy (from north) when I reach. Oh, an no sun shining at least yet. Waterfowl populations seem much increased since last week. I'm passing Shovelers, Ibis, Avocets, Coots, and many more. I reach the Island and head south - oh, there's one lone bison behind the VC. And there are a few in the rocks at the curves. I spot a Burrowing Owl down from the pull-off. As I'm passing the Frary Peak area, I spook a male/female pair of Pheasant. They both take flight on the west side of the road. Not sure why but they fly east right at my moving car. The male veers left and passes either overhead or behind. The female flies right in front of my windshield. I slam on my brakes and thankfully miss her. My view (and experience) was in...

April 16 - Antelope Island

Sunny day with a high near 70 degrees. It's a beautiful day for a hike on Antelope Island but that hike on Friday took a toll on my hips. Now sure why as I've been hiking Sentry Peak (~7.5m) and slogging thru snow on Gravel Pit/Beacon Hill (shy of 5m) but the 6.5 miles of White Rock has me really sore. I'm sure I can push thru a hike but I since I can't down Ibuprofin, it's best I take another day off (it's a long season). However, I still head for the Island; hoping to see those baby Bison. I arrive just have 8am. The numbers of duck and other waterfowl are increasing. Lots of Avocets. I also see Shovelers (they are here almost year around), Green-winged Teal,  Glossy Ibis,  Willets  and I'm sure many more. I arrive on the Island and head south towards the Ranch. No bison behind the VC this morning. I roll past the Burrowing Owls downhill from the pull-out. There's a car pulled over I assume is trying to find. Nope the guy is out of his car walking in f...

April 14 - White Rock Trail (Inner Loop) - Antelope Island

 Sunny day with high near 50 - quite a temperature drop from a few days ago when it was 82 degrees (a record high!) The high temps caused a lot of snow melt and a fair bit of flooding. It's going to get interesting when the actual snow melt begin - eek! It's an On-Friday but I decided to finish my work week a bit after 8:30 and head up to Antelope Island. I'm up for a change today so I'm hiking White Rock (bison permitting). It'll be the 1st time this year. I'll definitely need the mittens today! I arrive after 9am and head directly to the trail; well almost as I swing around the north end of the Island to see if there are any Burrowing Owls out. I'm guessing not because there are lots of clouds, not much sun and it's in the near 40 degrees. There's a car parked in "the spot" but I don't see any Owls. Perhaps one was out and just ducked into his burrow. I should digress as the snow is all gone except for the highest peaks. Water along t...

April 11 - Lambs Canyon

 Sunny day high near 80 in the valley. Heading up to Lambs Canyon to scout things out. I'm expecting a ton of snow; it's been that kind of winter. Hoping to see a few butterflies flying. The overwinterers are flying down here and the temps are warm enough. It's sunny and 71 degrees when I arrive at the parking lot. Cant' park in the lots as it is still snow covered or extremely muddy. I park on the opposite side of the road with a few other cars. We're all on the road but it's closed anyway. As soon as I'm out of my car, I'm on snow and I'm 20 yards from the gate; happy I brought my spikes. Up the snow covered road I go. Lots of snowmobiles and a few SkiCats along the road as usual but several of them are buried in snow. I guess some residents gave up visiting their homes this winter. It's not that bad of a walk. Yes, it's covered in feet of snow but I'm only sinking an inch or two with each steps. Not far past those snowmobiles, I spot 3...