July 30 - Willow Lake (BCC)
Sunny day with highs near 100. This is stop 2 of my day. Around 64 degrees and the sun has not risen above the mountains yet and there are clouds in the sky. First time for me on this trail. I was going to hike it this week but today's the day. I start up the trail and the 1st thing I notice is the amount of flowers in bloom. I don't think I've ever seen it more impressive. There's Brown Coneflower (in bloom), Tall Groundsel (tall yellow), Asters, Monkshood (lots of Monkshood), Hyssop (lots of it), Fireweed, and many others. And there's Spiddlebugs and their spiddle is dripping this morning (have never saw that before). I see some deer/moose tracks on the trail. Plenty of hummingbird moths; not nectaring. They are flying under the leaves. Strange to me. And there are hummingbirds with bright red chests; again they are not nectaring. I reach the meadow stopping at this flower and stop before entering the Aspens Quite lush on the other side. Can't make it to the ...